The Surprising Benefits of Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

sugar free gum

When it comes to oral health, we often focus on brushing and flossing, but there is another habit that can contribute to a healthier smile: chewing sugar-free gum. While gum-chewing is often associated with sweet flavors and sugary ingredients, it also offers a range of surprising benefits.

Why Choose Gum Without Sugar?

Instead of being sweetened with sugar, sugar-free gum is flavored with naturally-occurring sweeteners. This greatly reduces its association with the harmful effects of sugar compared to regular gum, which can promote tooth decay. With gum, you can still enjoy the chewing sensation without exposing your teeth to the risks associated with sugar!

Benefits of Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

There are many types of gum on the market today, but none offer the benefits of chewing sugar-free gum. The perks include:

  • Increased Saliva Production
  • Chewing gum stimulates saliva production, which plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health. Saliva helps neutralize acids in the mouth, wash away food particles, and remineralize tooth enamel.

  • Improved Oral Hygiene
  • Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can aid in the removal of food debris and plaque. The increased saliva flow helps rinse away bacteria and acids, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. One option is xylitol gum, which actually helps prevent cavities.

  • Freshens Breath
  • A piece of gum can help combat bad breath by stimulating saliva production and masking unpleasant odors. It provides a temporary freshening effect, but it is important to note that it does not replace regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits.

  • Stress Relief and Teeth Grinding
  • Chewing gum can act as a stress reliever, providing a satisfying outlet for nervous energy and potentially reducing teeth grinding or clenching. The repetitive motion of chewing can help relax the jaw muscles and alleviate tension. However, don’t over do if you have any existing TMJ pain, as excessive gum chewing can aggravate it.

  • Reduces Sugar Cravings
  • If you have a sweet tooth, it’s best to find ways to avoid giving in to temptation. With a gum like xylitol gum, you can reduce sugar cravings as you produce more saliva from chewing.

Learn More with Dr. Ward

Are you surprised by the benefits of chewing sugar-free gum? Dr. Ward and our team are always happy to help you learn about foods and oral habits that can benefit your smile. Get in touch with us to learn more handy tips!

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