Eating With Dentures: Do Dentures Affect Your Nutrition?

Dentures offer a quick and easy solution for individuals with missing teeth, as dentures restore aesthetics and functionality to smiles. Though an effective way to restore missing teeth, eating with dentures does feel different than eating with your natural teeth. If you’re considering dentures or wear dentures, keep reading to learn how dentures affect nutrition.

Eating with Dentures

Dentures are prosthetic teeth held in an acrylic gum-colored base material. Most dentures are removable and stay in place with an adhesive unless the denture is implant supported and fixed. Depending on how the dentures are stabilized, dentures can affect nutrition.

Unlike natural teeth, dentures might not provide the same level of bite force, potentially making it more challenging to thoroughly chew certain foods. This can lead to a tendency to avoid tough or hard-to-chew items, such as raw fruits, vegetables, and meats. Dentures can also make it difficult to thoroughly break down food before reaching the stomach, placing stress on the digestive system.

Tips for Maintaining Nutrition with Dentures

While it can be challenging to eat with dentures, it does get easier over time. Here are some tips for maintaining nutrition with dentures:

  • Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods:

    Opt for soft, nutrient-dense options that are easier to chew and swallow. Cooked vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can provide essential nutrients without straining dentures.

  • Food Preparation:

    Cut food into smaller, manageable pieces before eating. This can make chewing more comfortable and improve digestion.

  • Healthy Snacking:

    Incorporate snacks like yogurt, smoothies, and soft fruits into your diet. These options require less chewing and can help you maintain a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.

  • Proper Denture Fit:

    Ensure your dentures fit well by visiting your dentist regularly for adjustments. An accurate fit can enhance chewing ability and minimize discomfort.

  • Chew Slowly:

    Take your time while eating, chewing slowly and thoroughly. This not only aids digestion but also allows you to enjoy a variety of foods.

Full & Partial Dentures in Louisville, KY

At Middletown Commons Family Dental, we’re proud to serve the dental needs of patients and families living in Louisville. Whether you’re interested in getting dentures or struggling to adjust to dentures, our team at Middletown Commons Family Dental is happy to help. Give our office a call to learn more about dentures today!

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