How to Enjoy Spring Sweets & Keep Healthy Teeth

Mint green, purple, and yellow chocolate Easter candy eggs with brown speckles

Even though Easter has come and gone, there may be some jelly beans, creamy eggs, or chocolate treats lingering around your house. Or even some Peeps peeping around the corner. We’re not expecting you to avoid eating these altogether, bur our dental team does encourage you to be smart when it comes to snacking on these sugary treats.

Protect Your Teeth From Sugar

The reason for this word of precaution is that the bacteria in your mouth thrive on sugar and create an acidic mouth environment that breaks down your tooth enamel and promotes plaque formation. We don’t mean to scare you though. Before chucking your basket of goodies into the garbage in order to keep your teeth healthy, consider these 3 tips regarding eating sweets.

    1. Everything in Moderation

    Feel free to have a few of those milk chocolate eggs or jelly beans, but don’t graze on them all day long. This might sound like a no-brainer, but even some of us find it hard to resist popping sweet treats throughout the day. Easier said than done to just have one or two treats, but yes, it can be done!

    2. Find the Right Egg

    When selecting the right treat for you, try to steer away from sticky ones like jelly beans and Peeps, as they tend to sit on your teeth longer. Chocolate goodies are the best choice as they stick to your teeth the least.

    3. Rinse Before the Rot Happens

    If a toothbrush isn’t handy, you can always rinse your mouth with water after having candy. This helps wash away the food bacteria, and water is great at balancing out the acidity level in your mouth. Just make sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible after consuming a sweet treat!

We’re Here to Help!

Here at Middletown Commons Family Dental, we’re not here to impose food restrictions on you, but we do want to arm you with the facts so that you can make smart decisions about your dental health. Follow our tips to protect your teeth while enjoying your sweet treats.

Reach out to us with any concerns or questions about sugar and your teeth!

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