Can Braces Damage My Teeth?

Dark-haired woman with braces looks down and smiles as her hair blows in the wind

Do straight teeth come with a price? If you’re about to get braces, you may be wondering whether those metal brackets and wires will end up causing some harm as they guide you on a path towards a straighter smile. First, we want to reassure you that the team at Middletown Commons Family Dental is here to keep you comfortable and safe throughout your dental treatment. That being said, there are some dental conditions you may want to keep an eye out for while wearing your braces. Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through them and give you tips for how to avoid them!


    When you eat, food and bacteria join forces to create an acidic environment. The acid can then break down your tooth enamel and minerals in a process called demineralization or decalcification, leaving behind white spots. These scars often form around or under where the braces are, and can remain even after the braces are removed. To help prevent these scars:

  • Rinse your mouth with water after eating and drinking
  • Brush 30 minutes after each meal
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Avoid extremely sugary foods

    Plaque & Tartar

    The bacteria in your mouth can form a sticky film, otherwise known as plaque. If plaque builds up, it can cause your teeth to decay, and it can harden into tartar, a calcified deposit that forms stains on your teeth. The only way to banish tartar is by getting a professional dental cleaning. All is not lost though—good daily dental habits and a nutritious diet can help prevent plaque and tartar buildup! When you have braces you have to put in a little extra effort to get a thorough cleaning, but it’s worth it in the end when you have a smile that’s not only straight, but bright and healthy-looking too.

  • Brush twice a day
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Consider investing in an interdental brush for added ease
  • Use a mouthwash – ask us for a recommendation based on your dental needs

    Gum Disease

    Periodontal disease (or “gum disease”) occurs when plaque irritates and inflames your gums. It’s important when wearing braces to thoroughly clean your teeth and floss so that plaque doesn’t settle in those little nooks and crannies. These special tools can make flossing easier:

  • Floss threaders
  • Waterpik water flosser

At Middletown Commons Family Dental, we are always here to help you avoid any potential dental damage. If you’re ready to straighten your smile, talk with us about our options. We offer Invisalign aligner therapy and a type of accelerated braces called Six Month Smiles®. We are happy to discuss these treatments with you further!

Questions or concerns about straightening your teeth?

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