When You Might Need a Fluoride Treatment

Adult woman receiving a fluoride treatment.

Fluoride treatments are quick, affordable treatments that can be given after routine cleanings. We apply them by brushing a fluoride varnish or gel on your teeth, which strengthens your enamel. What is fluoride, exactly? And when do you need fluoride treatments?

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral found in rocks, soil, water, and even the air. Because it’s so plentiful in nature, it’s also found in the food we eat, which is where a lot of our fluoride intake comes from. After scientists found that certain levels of fluoride help fight tooth decay, the mineral was added to many water systems. This public health measure has significantly reduced tooth decay, especially for kids who are at a higher risk.

When Should You Get Fluoride Treatments?

Anyone can benefit from fluoride treatments, but we are likely to recommend them if you are at a high risk for cavities or gum disease. People with braces, a dry mouth condition, or poor oral hygiene benefit a lot. You probably won’t need more than two treatments a year after your cleanings, but it depends on your needs.

Is It Possible to Get Too Much Fluoride?

For most people, the fluoride they get through food, water, oral health products, and fluoride treatments is within a safe range. As with any substance, it is possible to get too much. When kids get too much fluoride, they can experience fluorosis, which is a cosmetic condition that causes faint white streaks on the teeth. In very rare cases, too much fluoride can cause stomach pain, nausea, and muscle spasms. This can only happen if someone ingests high amounts of fluoridated products, like toothpaste.

Fluoride treatments at Middletown Commons Family Dental in Louisville, KY

Fluoride treatments are a safe, affordable, and effective way to prevent cavities! You might need a treatment if you have dry mouth, early tooth decay, or other issues that make your smile more vulnerable to cavities. If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ward, please get in touch with our office today!

Fluoride treatments help prevent cavities!

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