What Are Dental Sealants?

Graphic showing a dental sealant in a molar.

Your teeth naturally have deep grooves that help you grind down food. But sometimes, food particles can get stuck in those grooves, increasing your chances of developing cavities and tooth decay. That’s where dental sealants come in! Middletown Commons Family Dental offers sealants as part of our preventive care services.

What Do Dental Sealants Do?

Dental sealants help fill the deep grooves in your teeth — typically molars, which are located in the back of your mouth. This prevents cavities from developing in the hard-to-clean spots. Unlike dental fillings, which are designed to seal up holes caused by cavities, sealants are preventive in nature.

Who Needs Sealants?

Sealants are essential for younger patients. They are usually placed on premolars and molars as soon as they emerge to prevent cavities. But sealants are also great for older patients if they didn’t get them when they were young or if theirs have worn off.

What Are Dental Sealants Made Out Of?

Sealants are made from plastic and are extremely thin. In fact, they are barely noticeable!

What Is the Dental Sealant Process?

The dental sealant process is simple. It only takes minutes to apply the dental sealant to the tooth. And once they’re in, they can last up to ten years when well taken care of. During your twice yearly dental appointments, your dentist will check your sealants to make sure they’re in good shape.

How To Maintain Cavity-Free Teeth

While dental sealants are effective, they alone cannot protect your teeth from decay. You must maintain a regular brushing and flossing routine and maintain a healthy, balanced diet to prevent the development and spread of plaque and bacteria. And, of course, twice yearly dental appointments are also a must!

Affordable, Preventive Dentistry in Louisville, KY

If you are interested in dental sealants or are looking for a dental office that offers comprehensive family dental services, please contact us to schedule an appointment at Middletown Commons Family Dental. Apart from our services, we also offer flexible financing to help as many patients as we can no matter their financial backgrounds.

Dental sealants can prevent cavities in your molars.

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