What Tooth Replacement Options Are Best?

senior woman holding her jaw in pain from a damaged tooth
At Middletown Commons Family Dental, we are proud to offer a number of restorative dentistry treatments and here we’ll help you to determine what tooth replacement option is best for you.


Dentures are a removable dental appliance that is used to replace missing teeth. Often, dentures are a good option when someone has lost most or all of their natural teeth. This can be due to injury, gum disease, tooth decay, or another dental health issue. Dentures not only replace teeth and help people to eat and speak normally, but they also help to improve your overall appearance because when you lose teeth, your facial muscles sag and this can make you look a lot older. Dentures are made to look completely natural because they can be made to match the color of your natural teeth. You can get full dentures or partial dentures depending on how many teeth you have lost.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth shaped coverings that are also called caps and these are placed over your teeth in order to improve their appearance. They are designed to match the color, size, and shape of your tooth so they blend in perfectly with your natural teeth. Dental crowns are often used when there’s a single or only a few teeth that need restoration. Depending on where the crown is placed in the mouth, dental crowns are made of a number of different materials. Acrylic, ceramic, and porcelain are often used for crowns in the front of the mouth because they can be made to match the color of your natural teeth while gold and metal alloys are usually used for the back teeth because they are stronger materials.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin covers that go over your teeth in order to improve your smile. They are often used for teeth that are damaged by chips, stains, cracks, and are misaligned or poorly shaped. They are custom made to fit perfectly in your mouth and match your natural teeth.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to close the gap between one or more missing teeth. They can be cemented to your natural teeth or dental implants (replacement tooth roots) on either side of the gap. These teeth (also called abutments) serve as the anchors for the bridge and the replacement tooth is then attached to the crowns that fit on top of the abutments. Dental bridges not only replace missing teeth but also maintain your face structure and prevent the rest of your teeth from moving out of position.

Contact Us to Learn More!

If you think you are a good candidate for one or more of the above tooth replacement options, give us a call to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ask us about Tooth Replacement Options today!

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