Why Are My Gums Swollen After Getting Braces?

Blonde woman wearing a white sweater in front of a wall of rocks considering her swollen gums

So you got braces: congratulations! You are one step closer to enjoying the perfectly aligned smile of your dreams. However, some patients may experience discomfort after having their braces on for a while. If you’re experiencing swollen gums with your braces, here’s what you need to know.

What Causes Swollen Gums?

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

Although it can be difficult to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth with all those metal or ceramic brackets threaded with wire, maintaining your oral hygiene routine is critical to prevent infection and inflammation. Gum disease is one of the dental diseases that we work most hard at encouraging our patients to prevent. It develops over three stages; gingivitis — or early-stage gum disease — begins with red, bleeding, and swollen gums. Gum disease is a vicious cycle; poor oral hygiene leads to inflamed, irritated, and painful gums, which can feel like a chore to care for properly, leading to even worse dental hygiene habits.

2. Puberty

Another lesser-known cause of gum disease is hormonal changes during puberty, and many patients with braces are in or around that stage of their life. Increased blood flow to the gums causes increased redness, swelling, and tenderness.

How Can I Help My Swollen Gums?

  • Always keep your teeth and braces as clean as possible. This means gently brushing twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing at least once a day. An electric toothbrush is an excellent option for those having difficulty maintaining a proper oral care routine.
  • Use an alcohol-free, anti-plaque/anti-gingivitis mouthrinse to combat bacterial growth and to keep the pH of your mouth balanced.
  • If pressure on your gums feels uncomfortable, include softer foods in your diet that promote healthy teeth, like yogurt and cheese, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of cool water.
  • If you experience persistent, major swelling or bleeding, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and come see Dr. Ward right away!

Reach Out to Our Team!

If you have any questions or concerns about swollen gums after getting your braces, contact us at Middletown Commons Family Dental. Schedule your next checkup today!

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