Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign is the modern alternative to metal braces. You may notice that many people are no longer wearing bulky and cumbersome braces anymore. That is because technology has brought us a more comfortable and discreet teeth straightening solution.

Straight Teeth without Metal Braces!

The clear aligner, known as Invisalign, appears nearly invisible when in place. Invisalign does not contain metal brackets or other fixtures and is easy to remove. All you have to do is pop it in and out! Once your treatment has begun, you will receive a new aligner approximately every two weeks until reaching your desired tooth alignment.

Now that we know what it’s all about, let’s see if Invisalign is right for you!

  • Ideal candidates for treatment range from children as young as seven to adults, while teenagers make up most of Invisalign’s users. 
  • If you suffer from an underbite, overbite, crowded teeth, or have other chewing problems, then you are likely a perfect fit for the Invisalign solution.
  • Recurring gum defects as well as accumulation of plaque and tartar buildup responds well to Invisalign treatment. After straightening teeth, you will notice healthier gums and reduced plaque and tartar formation.
  • A lack of confidence in your smile can really dampen self-esteem, reducing the desire to participate in social activities. If your smile is hurting your confidence, Invisalign is a great option for you.

Most people will qualify for this non-invasive and affordable teeth straightening solution. 

If you are unsure whether or not this treatment is right for you, our Invisalign expert Dr. Ward is ready to answer your questions and thoroughly discuss the treatment plan. Call us today to schedule your consultation!

Schedule an Invisalign Consultation with Dr. Ward today!

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