How We Can Calm Your Dental Nerves

Woman in the dental chair with a mask to administer nitrous oxide to control dental anxiety.

If you get anxious at the dentist, you’re not alone! Most people feel at least a little nervous in a dental office, but that anxiety can sometimes feel unbearable. It may be a reason why you’re putting off dental care. Luckily, sedation dentistry can help keep you calm and relaxed during your visit.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

There are a few kinds of sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide, which is also called “laughing gas,” calms you without putting you under. We’ll place a mask over your nose so you can breathe in the gas. When your appointment is over, we remove the mask. After a few minutes, you’re back to normal and can drive yourself home. With oral conscious sedation, which you take in the form of a pill, you also stay awake. You likely won’t remember your procedure at all, however, and you’ll need someone to drive you home. For more complex procedures, we might opt for an IV. There are three different levels of IV sedation, including general anesthesia, which is where you’re unconscious.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

All forms of sedation come with some risks, but sedation dentistry is considered safe for most patients. We’ll always discuss your medical history and any concerns before deciding if you’re a good candidate. If you’re pregnant or believe you might be pregnant, please let us know. You may still be able to get sedation dentistry, but it does affect the kind of sedation we might consider and how much we’ll use.

Comfortable, Stress-Free Dentistry at Middletown Commons Family Dental

There are many ways to manage dental anxiety, but if you still feel nervous at our Louisville office, we can help! Sedation dentistry is very effective, especially during complex and stressful procedures. Even if you get a kind of sedation where you remain awake, you most likely won’t remember much! If you have any questions about dental sedation or want to know if you’re a good candidate, please contact us today.

Dental sedation can calm your nerves!

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