How Can I Quickly Straighten My Teeth?

Smiling girl with freckles and Six Month Smile braces.

Crooked, uneven teeth make many people self-conscious about their smiles. Crowded teeth can also be trickier to clean, which can lead to more cavities. In the past, metal braces were the main way to straighten teeth. Today, we have more options! If you’re looking to straighten your teeth quickly, we offer Six Month Smiles®. How do they work?

What Are Six Month Smiles?

Six Month Smiles are a new kind of braces. They use nickel-titanium wires to straighten just your front teeth, which are sometimes called “the social six.” These are the teeth most visible when you smile. Because we’re only straightening the front teeth and not the back ones, the treatment is much faster than traditional braces or Invisalign! The average treatment time is six months. Six Month Smiles can fix crowding, crooked teeth, spacing issues, and more. According to Six Month Smiles, 95% of patients are good candidates for the treatment.

Benefits of Six Month Smiles

These braces are more subtle than traditional braces. They use clear brackets and tooth-colored wires. Six Month Smiles are also more comfortable and require fewer adjustments. Depending on your situation, you might need as few as three adjustments. What about cost? Compared to other orthodontic treatments, these braces are more affordable. The main benefit, of course, is how fast Six Month Smiles works. Traditional braces can take 12-24 months, while Invisalign can take between 9-24 months.

Quickly Straighten Your Teeth in Louisville, KY

Dr. Ward is certified in Six Month Smiles and excited to provide this quick treatment for eligible patients. When you come in for a consultation, we’ll discuss what you want to change and how long you can expect treatment to be. If you have questions or you’re ready to see if Six Months Smiles is right for you, please contact Middletown Commons Family Dental today!

Straight Teeth - FAST - with Six Month Smiles!

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