Healthy Holiday Treats That Can Strengthen Your Teeth

Charcuterie board with healthier snack choices.

Between school events, family gatherings, and all the office sweets, it can be hard to deny yourself those holiday treats that you know are terrible for your teeth but you simply don’t have enough willpower to resist. We get it! But because we’re a dental practice and we want what’s best for your teeth, here are some healthier options to consider as you indulge in festive activities.

Herbs & Spices

Instead of consuming all that sugar, try to find treats that use more spices and herbs like cinnamon and ginger. The pair is thought to decrease sugar cravings, while they offer a depth of flavor and hints of natural sweetness. Plus, cinnamon and ginger are full of aromas that evoke seasonal comfort!

Party Cheese Boards

Cheese, nuts, and fruit can typically be found on a cheese board and they are certainly healthier options than sugary treats. Nuts have all sorts of beneficial healthy fats, and they also have a texture that plays a scrubbing role for your teeth. Cheese is full of calcium and vitamin D, which your teeth will appreciate and it also lowers the pH balance in your mouth, which helps to prevent cavities. Fruits contain a host of vitamins and minerals that are also beneficial to your teeth and overall body.

Hot Tea

Hot cocoa may be your go-to holiday beverage, but consider turning to a steaming mug of warm, cozy tea. Certain teas like green tea and black tea offer deliciously earthy, robust flavors, while providing a ton of oral benefits. In fact, green tea and black tea can help prevent cavities by reducing the acid and bacteria hotbeds in your mouth. They also contain fluoride, the agent typically found in toothpaste that scares off decay.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate carries less sugar content than milk chocolate and is full of antioxidants that help ward off bacteria in the mouth. Look out for dark chocolates or dark chocolate covered strawberries or nuts to snack on for a healthier alternative.

Reliable Dental Care at Middletown Commons Family Dental

As the festivities ramp up, we hope you make lasting memories with friends and families. Happy holidays and best wishes in the New Year from our team at Middletown Commons Family Dental in Louisville, KY! We look forward to seeing you for preventive care in 2023.

Happy Holidays From Middletown Commons Family Dental!

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