Dental Bridge vs Dental Implant

Got missing teeth? Patients often want restorative dentistry, so they can smile without feeling self-conscious, eat properly, or speak clearly. Dental bridges or dental implants are standard recommendations to fill gaps in your smile. People often think they are similar procedures, but there are significant differences between them.

Illustration of a dental bridge

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Let’s pretend you’re missing one tooth, and you’re getting a dental bridge. The two teeth that surround the area of the missing tooth are used for support, while a natural-looking false tooth acts as a “bridge” to cover the gap. This same principle works for a short string of missing teeth.

Illustration of a dental implant

What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a more complicated procedure. First, you’ll need surgery to insert a metal post in your jaw. After a few months of healing, we will add a crown to give the appearance of a tooth. Dental implants can also be used to support a dental bridge. This is a common procedure if you don’t have two strong teeth to act as anchors on either side of your missing teeth.

What Are the Significant Differences?

Dental bridges don’t act as a tooth root replacement. They cover gaps using your other teeth as anchors. Meanwhile, dental implants are securely placed in your jawbone and provide structure. Dental bridges are common because they are fast, effective, and affordable. If you have strong teeth to act as anchors for the dental bridge, it can be ready within a few weeks of your dental appointment. Dental implants can take months to finish because you need time to heal after getting a metal post inserted into your jaw. They are also a more costly procedure compared to dental bridges.

What Is the Best Decision for You?

Our team at Middletown Commons Family Dental may recommend a dental bridge, dental implant, or a combination of both. Since restorative dentistry can vary for everyone, it’s essential to consult with an experienced dentist on what is best for you. Dr. Ward will be happy to discuss your options with you and make an accurate cost estimate. We offer many hassle-free payment choices. We are committed to helping you have a smile that lasts for years. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Read our blog to learn more about the differences between dental bridges & dental implants.

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