Easy Daily Habits Boost Oral Health

Woman and man brushing their teeth for optimal oral hygiene

At Middletown Commons Family Dental, we encourage patients to take care of their teeth. While routine dental appointments are essential in this process, you can also take steps at home to optimize your oral health.

Limit Sugary Foods

Sugar is food for the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. As the bacteria consume sugar, they produce a waste with acid that destroys tooth enamel. The bacteria that cause gum disease trigger your gum tissue to swell. When you decrease sugar, you rob the bacteria of a food supply. That’s why it’s a good idea to limit sugary foods to occasional treats for children and adults.

Limit Acidic Foods

Oranges, soda, wine, and other foods and beverages with a high acid content cause enamel erosion. Your teeth are then not as strong as they could be. These foods and beverages are best consumed as part of a meal to limit their acidic effects.

Floss Daily

Many people tend to exaggerate how much they actually floss when reporting to the hygienist or dentist during exams. Why do we ask you to incorporate another task into your daily oral hygiene routine? Because although we know it takes a bit more time, flossing really does help. Food particles and bacteria will remain in between your teeth if you skip flossing. They’ll remain there overnight and often longer. This not only contributes to gum disease and tooth decay, but it also can cause bad breath.

Drink Adequate Water

Water is necessary for many functions in your body. In terms of your oral health, water removes debris from your teeth and helps maintain saliva flow. It contains no sugar. Plus, dry mouth can cause an increase in tooth decay because it helps in the growth of bacteria.

Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily

This tip seems like nothing major, but this habit can increase oral health tremendously. When you brush your teeth, you remove food and bacteria from your teeth. However, you want to make sure you don’t use a hard-bristled toothbrush. Brush in circles to avoid damaging the enamel of your teeth. You should also use toothpaste with fluoride to help with the remineralization process, which will aid in reducing decay.

Routine Dental Care in Louisville, KY

Taking care of your teeth each day is so important. These simple tips can reduce the likelihood and severity of tooth and gum problems in the future. As always, Middletown Commons Family Dental recommends routine dental visits for optimal oral health. We serve Louisville, KY, and the surrounding area. Book an appointment by clicking the link below or by calling 502-631-9627.

Follow our tips for better oral health!

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