Caring For Your Teeth While Pregnant

A pregnant woman resting on her side with her hand one her stomach.

Oral care is especially important during pregnancy, when hormonal changes can increase your risk of developing gum disease. Without proper treatment, gum disease can impact the health of your developing baby. Today, Dr. Ward and our team want to share how you can care for your teeth and gums before, during, and after pregnancy.

Caring For Your Teeth Before You Become Pregnant

Your health can have a major impact on pregnancy, and the same goes for your oral health. Before you get pregnant, try to make a dental appointment. This way, our team can professionally clean your teeth, examine your gums, and treat any issues in advance. Entering pregnancy with a clean bill of oral health is a great way to maintain a healthy smile throughout.

Caring For Your Teeth While Pregnant

You should keep up with your regular dental appointments during pregnancy. We know that it’s a busy time, but pregnancy does increase your risk for periodontal disease. Around forty percent of women develop gingivitis at some point during their pregnancy. If you notice any changes like gum tenderness, bleeding, or swelling, let our team know as soon as possible. If gum issues develop, quick treatment is essential.

Caring For Your Teeth After Pregnancy

While routine dental care and emergency treatments are generally safe during pregnancy, you should wait to have any elective procedures until after you have your baby. Once you’ve delivered, we recommend scheduling a full oral health checkup to address any lingering issues.

Before, During & After Pregnancy

No matter whether you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, an at-home oral hygiene routine can help you protect your oral health. Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and floss every day. This simple routine will help keep your teeth clean and reduce the buildup of oral bacteria and plaque.

Caring For Your Dental Health in Louisville, KY

Our team at Middletown Commons Family Dental is here for you during all stages of life. Your dental health is important to us. To ask our team any questions about caring for your teeth while pregnant or to schedule an appointment, call our office today!

We can help you maintain excellent dental health during your pregnancy!

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