Accepting Emergency Dental Appointments

Closeup of a smile with a chipped tooth

Did you know that almost all of the visits that are made to hospital emergency rooms for dental emergencies could have been handled by a dentist? And all for a fraction of the cost of a hospital emergency room visit! Let’s talk about some of the things that are considered dental emergencies.

Damaged Teeth

The main cause of tooth damage for both adults and kids is sports related. We recommend custom athletic mouthguards to prevent accidents of this kind when possible. Even with prevention, sometimes mishaps still happen. Here are several types of tooth injuries that require same day care.

  • Knocked-Out Tooth – This is the most time sensitive type of tooth damage so if this calamity strikes, call us immediately. The sooner you get to our office, the greater the chance that your tooth can be saved. Quick action on your part can help. The first thing to do is locate the knocked-out tooth. Next, gently pick it up by the crown, and thoroughly rinse it off. If possible, try reinserting the tooth into the tooth socket. Hold it in place by biting down gently on a piece of gauze. If this is not feasible, then transport the tooth to our office in a container of milk. Even if you are able to reinsert the tooth yourself, it is important to come to the office as soon as possible.
  • Cracked or Chipped Tooth – If you are able to locate the piece of chipped tooth, contact our office for an emergency appointment. Depending on the circumstance, it is possible that it can be bonded to the remaining portion of the tooth. Transport the broken piece of tooth in a container of milk. If you have a cracked tooth you can rinse your mouth with ½ c. warm water and ½ t. salt to keep the area clean and ward off infection. Call our office and we’ll get you in promptly.

Tooth Pain

Depending on the severity and duration, tooth pain could require emergency treatment. It’s best to contact our office for guidance. When tooth pain is accompanied by a fever or is the result of an abscess that indicates infection, we’ll want to see you immediately. There are many things that can cause a toothache that don’t require same day treatment. However, we’ll still want to get you into the office promptly. We always want to clear up the pain and identify its source so it doesn’t become a bigger problem later on.

Lost Filling or Broken Restoration

Even though a lost filling or damaged crown or denture do not always require emergency treatment, we can often see you the same day. They are definitely inconvenient but usually the health of a tooth is not at risk. That said, we always want to alleviate your discomfort and avoid the chance of further decay or infection. And don’t worry, at Middletown Commons Family Dental, we offer lots of options to get your smile repaired.

Emergency Dental Care at Middletown Commons

Dental emergencies don’t get better on their own. Even though our Louisville, Ky office is currently closed for cleanings, regular exams and elective dental procedures, we remain open to handle dental emergencies and issues that require prompt attention. Call (502)632-3277 to speak to someone immediately. We are taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of disease.

We are here for your dental emergencies!

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