Root Canal Therapy 101

Curly-haired woman wearing a floral summer dress after root canal therapy smiles pain-free

The term “root canal” makes many people cringe, but there’s really nothing to fear. Thanks to modern dental tools, techniques, and anesthesia, it’s virtually as pain-free as getting a regular filling. And best of all, once the nerve is removed from the root canal, it will no longer be possible for the affected tooth to feel pain! According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it’s estimated that more than 15 million root canal treatments are performed every year in the United States. Read on to learn more about this treatment!

You Might Need a Root Canal If…

If it hurts to chew or bite down on food, if hot or cold foods cause you severe tooth pain, or if you have extensive tooth decay, you might need root canal therapy. If decay or infection found in a tooth is so extensive that there will not be enough tooth left to support a filling, often a dental crown and root canal therapy will be required to restore the tooth and support it against chewing pressure. The purpose of this procedure is to eliminate the source of pain or any infection to preserve your natural tooth, to protect it from future decay, and to keep your neighboring teeth healthy.

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

In a regular dental filling procedure, only the decayed part of the crown is drilled out and then filled in with a special protective material. But with root canal therapy, the drilling goes beyond the crown and into the root. Then, we remove the damaged tooth pulp and clean out the canals. Antibiotics are applied to kill any infection and help prevent future infection. The root canals are sealed to provide further protection, and the tooth is topped with a realistic-looking dental crown for improved strength and appearance.

After root canal treatment, we will shape your tooth and attach a temporary crown to protect it while your permanent crown is being crafted at our dental lab. At your second visit, we’ll place your permanent crown and ensure a perfect fit. Then, your smile will be as good as new!

Root Canal Therapy in Louisville, KY

If you’re experiencing serious tooth pain, don’t let the possibility of root canal therapy prevent you from doing something about it. Contact us here at Middletown Commons Family Dental to set up an appointment with Dr. Ward today.

A pain-free smile is within your reach!

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