Best Snacks for Good Oral Health

We all know that sugary foods will lead to tooth decay and cavities, but did you know that some foods are actually good for your teeth? If you’re feeling in a snacky mood, then try these foods which are healthy and good for your oral health!


Did you know that a slice of cucumber that you hold up against the palate of your mouth for just 90 seconds can reduce bad breath? Cucumbers are also high in fiber and because they are crunchy, they actually scrub your teeth. Having a high water content also helps coat your mouth so it doesn’t dry out. Chewing on cucumbers will produce saliva to help wash away any bad bacteria in your mouth.


Cheese is full of calcium which is good for teeth. Cheese also neutralizes plaque acid which helps reduce new cavities from forming. This tasty dairy product makes your mouth more alkaline. The more alkaline your mouth is, the more protected your teeth are against enamel erosion. To make your mouth alkaline, you need to have a higher pH level. Even drinking milk and eating yogurt did not change pH levels in a study, but eating cheese rapidly increased pH levels.


An apple a day keeps the…dentist away? Eating apples can cleanse and brighten your teeth with their slightly acidic nature, and their fibrous texture will gently scrub your pearly whites. However, because of their acidic properties, you should definitely rinse your mouth with water vigorously after eating an apple because this high level of sugar and acidity can actually erode the enamel of your teeth.


Strawberries can gently brush your teeth to give you a whiter smile, but since their tiny seeds can easily get trapped in-between your teeth, you should floss after eating these tasty berries.


Carrots are a crisp vegetable whose abrasive texture will stimulate your gums and scrub sticky, cavity-causing plaque from your teeth. They also trigger saliva which rinses away harmful plaque and even scrubs away stains.

The best thing you can do for your oral health is schedule regular cleanings and dental check-ups. Ready to get a healthy and bright smile? Call Middletown Commons Family Dental for an appointment today!

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